IT & CyberSecURITY List of Acronyms

IT & CyberSec

Selected terminology and acronyms from the field of IT, networking, cyber security, information assurance, and ethical hacking.

It includes British and European-specific terminology as well as American standards.

Feel free to use it in your CompTIA+, Network+, Security+, or Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) preparations.



Moon over Greenland

Photo © HD Grzywnowicz, 2018


2FA - two factor Authentication

4G LTE - Long Term Evolution (4G)

5G - fifth generation service


Access Control

  • Discretionary Access Control ( → DAC)

  • Mandatory Access Control ( → MAC)

  • Role-Based Access Control ( → RBAC)

    + Rule-Based Access Control (can be used in combination with any of the above)

Access gateway

ACL - Access Control List

Active content

eg. Flash, Java, Active-X

AD - Active directory 🪟

a directory for Windows network domains; place for many directory-based identity-related services; uses → LDAP protocol (Microsoft version of Kerberos ticketing)

ADDS - Active Directory Domain Service

a domain controller; authenticates and authorizes all users and computers in a Windows domain type network, assigning and enforcing security policies for all computers, and installing or updating software

ADK - Assessment & Deployment Kit 🪟


a type of malware that tracks user’s activity and shows them unwanted ads; could be a first step to identity theft

ADSL - Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line

AES - Advanced Encryption Standard

AES replaced RC4 in WPA2+CCMP (previously WPA used RC4+TKIP)

AFP - Apple Filing Protocol

tcp/548; AFP works with → SLP (Service Location Protocol); AFP protocol equivalent for Microsoft Windows: → SMB

ALE - Annualised Loss of Expectancy

ALE = → SLE (single loss expectancy) x ARO (annualised rate of occurrence)

APIPA - Automatic Private IP Addressing

APK - Android Package

file format for apps used on the Android OS. APK files are compiled with Android Studio, which is the official integrated development environment (IDE) for building Android software. An APK file includes all of the software program's code and assets; beware of sideloaded apks bypassing the official distribution channels

ARP - address resolution protocol

ARP poisoning

usually opening of the man-in-the-middle attack in which the traffic is intercepted and redirected by the attacker sending the unsolicited (and spoofed) ARP response; that response is cached and used en lieu of the correct IP/MAC resolution; requires direct access to the network segment; network needs to use ARP; other names: ARP spoofing, ARP cache poisoning, or ARP poison routing

AUP - Acceptable Usage Policy



aka: trapdoor; don’t confuse with: → mantrap

BAU - Business as Usual

BCP - Business Continuity Planning

BIA - Business Impact Analysis

BIOS - Basic Input/Output System


blacklist leaves the access to service/network open to everyone except the specified exceptions; compare with: → whitelist

BootP - the Bootstrap Protocol, 1993



BRI - Basic Rate Interface (ISDN)

Brute force Attack

“bruteforcing” something means to blindly trying every possible combination until you stumble upon the right answer

BSOD - Blue Screen of Death

a message on a Windows PC indicating a stop error/kernel panic has occurred

buffer overflow

bus topology

network topology in which all devices are connected to a single cable, often called the backbone; bus topologies can’t handle large amount of data

BYOD - Bring Your Own Device

aka: “Bring Your Own Disaster” :-)


CA - Certification Authority

CAC - Common Access Card

US DOD smart card


hardware or software component that stores data so that future requests for that data can be served faster; the data stored in a cache might be the result of an earlier computation or a copy of data stored elsewhere

CAI - Computer Aided Instruction

CASB - Cloud Access Security Broker

on-premises or cloud based software that sits between cloud service users and cloud applications, and monitors all activity and enforces security policies

CBT - Computer-based training

CBC - Cipher Block Chaining

CC - Common Criteria

an assessment scheme providing a scale of product assurance from EAL1 (functional) to EAL 7 (highest)

CCMP - Counter Mode with Cipher Block Chaining Message Authentication Protocol

replaced TKIP in WPA2

CCRA - Common Criteria Recognition Arrangement

CCP - Certified Cyber Professional

NCSC Certified Professional (CCP) Assured Service launched in June 2021 to recognise cyber security practitioners against their specialisms

CCTV - Closed Circuit Television

can be used as a type of detective, physical control

CD-ROM - compact disc read-only memory

CDMA - Code Division Multiple Access (2G)

CDN - Content Delivery Network

eg. Cloudflare

CDP - Certificate Distribution Point

CDPA - Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988 (UK)

CFAA - Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, 1986 (USA)

the first legislation specifically about the computer-related crime


a small-sized block of data derived from another block of digital data for the purpose of detecting errors that may have been introduced during transmission or storage of data; checks and confirms integrity of data (but not authenticity); compare with: → hash


an acronym to remember stages of creating documentation/ drafting policies:

  1. Creation

  2. Identification

  3. Classification (Security)

  4. Modification (Versioning)

  5. Approval

  6. Distribution

  7. Acknowledgement (via AUP)

  8. Archiving & Retention

  9. Disposal (type of disposal depends on the classification)

CI/CD - Continuous integration/continuous delivery

D can also stand for deployment; automation and monitoring throughout the DevOps lifecycle

CIISec - Chartered Institute of Information security



CIRT - Cyber Incident Response Team

CISO - Chief Information Security Officer

Clean desk policy

CLEF - Commercial Licensed Evaluation Facility

CLI - Command Line Interface

compare with: → GUI

CMA - Computer Misuse Act, 1990 (UK)

CMM - Capability Maturity Model

CNI - Critical National Infrastructure

CoCO - Code of Connection

a minimum set of security standards that organisations must adhere to when joining a Public Service Network

Cold Boot Attack

a type of side channel attack aiming to extract sensitive data stored in random access memory (RAM), which can retain information for up to 90 minutes after the hard reset; CBA is mostly used to retrieve the encryption keys, as well as the data dump during the digital forensics process


an open-source tool for risk analysis

COTS - commercial off-the-shelf (products)

CPA - Commercial Product Assurance

NCSC’s scheme for independent testing of smart meters or recognised smart metering products (eg. Gas Smart Metering Equipment (GSME), Electricity Smart Metering Equipment (ESME), Smart Metering Communications Hub (Comms Hub) and Hand Controlled Auxiliary Load Control Switches (HCALCS); valid for 6 years from the time of issue.

CPNI - Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure

CRC - cyclic redundancy check

CREST - Council of Registered Ethical Security Testers

CRL - Certificate Revocation List

CRUD - Create, Read, Update & Destroy

(HTTP verb/request operators: post/ get/ put or patch/ delete)

Cryptographic attacks

selected types of cryptographic attacks:

  • Known Plaintext Attack (KPA) - using a fragment of a known plaintext (so-called “crib”) to try to break the code

  • Rainbow Table Attack - comparing the hashes with already broken passwords/known combinations generating certain hashes

  • Dictionary Attack - using pre-loaded dictionary files for cracking single-word passwords

  • Brute Force Attack (both online and offline) - methodically trying every possible combination

  • Birthday Attack - exploits hash collision

  • Downgrade Attack - forcing the victim to use weaker (ie. more easily breakable) hash algorithms

  • Replay attacks - replaying previously intercepted information later

Crypto risk

danger of suffering harm or loss if the cryptography doesn’t work as it should

CSA - Cloud Security Alliance

CSRF - Cross-site request forgery

sometimes also called “sea surf”; see: XSRF


Tailored information assurance evaluations run by the UK’s NCSC that address specific assurance questions and concerns posed by accreditors on behalf of risk owners. This better enables risk owners to make informed risk management decisions.

CTI - Cyber Threat Intelligence

CVE - Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures

CVSS - Common Vulnerabilities Scoring System

The Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) is an open framework for communicating the characteristics and severity of software vulnerabilities. CVSS consists of three metric groups: Base, Temporal, and Environmental.




DAO - Decentralized Autonomous Organisation

DAC - Discretionary Access Control

a type of access control that allows/denies access based on lists of authorised users per each access point; easy to update and flexible, downsides: the control over it is often in the hands of one person, which is never a good idea


a program running on standby in the background; an extension of operation system initiated at start up and kicking in when needed, without the direct interaction/command from the user


sometimes also referred to as dmarc or d-mark; a demarcation point separating the public from private network infrastructure (where the public cabling ends and where the company’s/home’s cabling begins)

DHCP - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol

automatic and dynamic configuration of the IP address, subnet mask and other options from the pooled base on the DHCP server; udp/67, udp/68

DID - Defense-In-Depth

a layered approach to security architecture

DMPA - The Digital Millennium Copyright Act, 1998 (US)

DMZ - “Demilitarised zone”

a pair of firewalls with logical gap between them; a perfect place for a → honeypot; currently also known as “screened subnet”

DNS - Domain Name Server


DNS poisoning


useful tool allowing sandboxed containerisation of individual apps atop of the shared OS kernel; compare with → virtual machine VM

DOD - Department of Defence (US)

DoS - Denial of Service

a type of an attack flooding the system with useless requests/random data, consuming its resources so that it can’t serve its purpose to genuine users (thus needs to “deny service”); selected types of DoS attacks:

  • smurf - all pings/replies are being redirected to the named target machine

  • fraggle - similar to smurf, but uses → UDP instead of → ISMP

  • land attack - packets received by the victim carry the identical source and destination address, generating confusion and eventually crashing the system

  • ping of death - sending the ping packet too large, which causes the system to crash immediately upon receiving it

  • TCP/Syn flood - the attack disturbing the three way handshake process by never completing the handshake that would establish the communication channel between the devices; each request demands for the receiver to put away resources for future connections, which never come to fruition and eventually deplete the resources; considered a legacy attack

DDOS - Distributed Denial of Service

type of an attack performed using a distributed network of machines rather than a single computer

DPA - Data Protection Act, 2018 (UK)

British privacy and security act controlling how your personal information is used by organisations, businesses or the government; a direct response to EU’s → GDPR regulations, adopted in the light of Brexit.

DR - Disaster Recovery

DRE - Data Recovery Encryption

DRP - Disaster Recovery Planning

DSL - Digital Subscriber Line

networking technology that providing broadband (high-speed) Internet connections over the conventional telephone lines

DVD - Digital Versatile Disk

DVD-RW - Digital Versatile Disk Read-Write


E2EE - End-To-End Encryption

EAL - Evaluation Assurance Level (1-7)

see: → common criteria


traffic flow of data between devices in the same data centre; characterised by fast response times and lower security requirements; compare with: → north-south traffic

Ecc - Elliptic curve Cryptography

uses elliptic curve function y² = x² + ax + b to generate a pseudo-random number

ECDSA - Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm

a cryptographic algorithm used by Bitcoin to ensure that funds can only be spent by their rightful owners. It is dependent on the curve order and hash function used

EDI - Electronic Data Interchange

EDGE (3G) - Enhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution (3G)

EFTA - European Free Trade Association

EFS - Electronic File System

EIDAS - electronic IDentification, Authentication and trust Services


server: tcp/143

ENISA - European Union Agency For Cybersecurity

EPC - European Patent Convention

allows to protect a patent in over 30 countries in a single application


temporary port numbers selected at random by the client; ephemeral port range: 1024-65535; compare with: → non-ephemeral ports


non-fungible token (NFT) standard, available on Ethereum blockchain



name of code for the SMB vulnerability on the Windows OS; once released, it contributed to development of many exploits, incl. the notorious self-propagating WannaCry ransomware



something that triggers the alarm; not every event is an incident (but every incident is an event)

EVP - Envelope encryption

EVP functions provide a high level interface to OpenSSL cryptographic functions


FAIR - Factor Analysis Information Risk

FAR - False Acceptance Rate

type 2 error of biometric systems; the looser the control - the more FARs (way to remember: the person can go “2FAR”); compare with: → FRR; ideally, FAR and FRR error rate should be equal

FCA - Financial Conduct Authority

FDE - Full Disk Encryption


  • packet-filtering

  • circuit-level gateway

  • application-level gateway (proxy)

  • stateful inspection firewall

  • next generation firewall

FIPS - Federal Information Processing Standards

FIPS 140-2 - current list of cryptographic algorithms considered secure

FOM - fiber optic modem

FRR - False Rejection Rate

type 1 error of biometric systems; the tighter the control - the more FRRs; compare with: → FAR

FTP - File Transfer Protocol

transfers files between systems; tcp/20 (active node data), tcp/21 (control)


putting too much data on an application, thus slowing it down


GCHQ - Government Communications Headquarters (UK)

GDPR - The General Data Protection RegulatioN, 2016 (EU)

GFS - Grandfather-Father-Son

a backup system maintaining at least 3 generation of backed-up data

GPG - GNU Privacy Guard

also called GnuPG; an alternative to the → PGP suite of encryption software

GPRS - Global Packet Radio Service

GPS - Global Positioning Service

GSM (2G) - Global System for Mobile Communication

GUI - graphic user interface

slightly more intuitive than a command line interface (→ CLI)


Hard token

a physical object confirming one’s identity


practice of reducing the attack surface (e.g. by closing the inactive ports/installing anti-malware/tuning up the firewall settings, etc)


HDD - Hard Disk Drive


a type of AI-powered → IDS or → IPS that predicts any potential risks and threats by connecting certain clusters of circumstances and calculating the possibility of the negative outcome; heuristics are powered using blueprints of well-documented attack methodologies

HIDS - Host Intrusion Detection System

compare with: → NIDS, IDS

HIPAA - Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, 1996 (US)

HMG - Her Majesty’s Government (UK)

HMI - Human-Machine Interfaces


a network of honeypots; aka: honey farm


Horizon Scanning

HSDPA (3G)- High Speed Downlink Packet Access (3G)

HSM - Hardware Security Modules

HTTP - HyperText Transfer Protocol

non-encrypted; tcp/80

HTTPS - Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure

encrypted; tcp/443


a multi-port repeater


a virtual machine monitor; allows splitting resources of the server & creating separate virtual machine environments (VMs) with their own OS environments to run independently within the same server (virtualisation technology); example software: VMware, Parallels, Virtual Box

see also: containerisation


IA - Information Assurance

IAAA - Identification, Authentication, Authorisation, and Accountability

IASME - Information Assurance for Small Medium Enterprise

IaaS - Infrastructure as a Service

ICMP - Internet Control Management Protocol

Ping uses ICMP packets to determine the performance of a connection between devices

ICCC - International Common Criteria Conference (ICCC)

The annual conference for professionals involved in the specification, development, evaluation and validation or certification of IT security.

ICS - Industrial Control Systems

systems controlling the machines in industrial settings; also includes systems of critical infrastructure

ICS - Information Classification System

Security classifications indicate the sensitivity of information (in terms of the likely impact resulting from compromise, loss or misuse). UK’s HMG classification system features 3 levels (official, secret, and top secret), US - 4 levels (confidential, restricted, protected, and unclassified). Commercial organisations usually classify the information as follows: highly confidential, confidential, internal only, and public/open.

UK’s HMG Information Classification image source

ICT - Information and communications technology

ID&A - Identification and Authentication

IDS - Intrusion Detection System

compare with: → IPS

IEC - International Electrotechnical Commission

IETF - Internet Engineering Task Force

IKE - Internet Key Exchange

IM - Incident Management

for 5 phases of IM see: → RIACAR

IM - Instant Messaging

IMAP - Internet Message Access Protocol

tcp/143, SSL tcp/993

IMEI - International Mobile Station Equipment Identity

identifies every physical mobile device (always check if unlocked when purchasing a second-hand phone)

IMSI - International Mobile Subscriber Identity

I/O devices - input/output devices

eg. CD-R/RW, DVD, and Blu-ray drives; digital camera; fax machine; hard drives; modem; NIC (network interface card); SD Card.

IoC - Indicators of Compromise

Io0 - a loopback interface

IP - intellectual Property

IP address - internet protocol address

needs to be unique within the network; private (internal) and one public IP per each internet access provided via an internet service provider (ISP)

  • IPv4 -, numbers only, each octet between 0-255 (max. 4.29 billion combinations - increasingly more difficult to keep all the IPv4 s on the internet unique)

  • IPv6 0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:000, alphanumeric (max. 340 trillion + combinations)

IPP - Internet Printing Protocol

IPS - Intrusion Prevention System

compare with: → IDS

IPR - Intellectual Property Rights

IPSec - Internet Protocol Security

IR - Incident response

IRP - Incident Response Plan

IRT - Incident Response Team

IS - Information Security

ISDN - Integrated Services Digital Network

ISF - Information Security Forum

ISM band - Industrial, Scientific and Medical Band

radio band frequency reserved internationally for industrial, scientific and medical sectors

ISMS - Information Security Management System

ISO - International Organisation for STANDARDISATION

est. 1947, USA

ISP - Internet Service Provider

ITAR - International Traffic in Arms Regulation

ITIL - IT Infrastructure Library

ITSEC - Information Technology Security Evaluation Criteria

ITU - International Telecommunication Union


Kerberos, 2021

a network authentication protocol working on a principle of a ticketing system, issuing a ‘ticket’ per each individual transaction

Kernel panic

a stop error / Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) on the Windows; happens when an operating system can't fix a low-level error and needs to shut the system to prevent damage to the hardware

KPA - Known Plaintext Attack

type of a cryptographic attack using a fragment of a known plaintext (“the crib”) to try to break the code and find the right combination to achieve the same hash

KRA - Key Recovery Agent

(in escrow arrangements)


LAN - Local Area Network

LCD - Liquid Crystal Display

LDAP - Lightweight Directory Access Protocol


LFSR - Linear Feedback Shift Register

Logic bomb

a code that stays dormant until activated by certain set of circumstances; often used by disgruntled employees to go off after their departure from the company

LOS - Line-of-sight (communicationS)

high speed, high frequency radio propagation (tall communication towers)

LPD - Line Printer Daemon


MAC address - Media Access Control Address

a unique identifying number of the device - hexadecimal string of 12 values separated by colons: 00:00:00:00:00:00; first 3 pairs in the string identify the manufacturer, last 3 are a unique value representing the serial number of the device; MAC addresses are encoded by the hardware manufacturer (but they can be overwritten and/or spoofed relatively easily);

MAC - Mandatory Access Control

the strictest, most secure type of → access control; access control settings can’t be changed without the admin; access levels are based upon user classification; inflexible compared to → DAC (requires reprogramming of each specific user’s access)

MAC - Message Authentication Code



a physical security access control system made of two sets of interlocking doors, such that the first set of doors must close before the second set opens

MBR - Master Boot Record

can be updated via Windows Recovery Environment

MDM - Mobile Device Management

Meshed network

MFA - Multi Factor Authentication

MIMO - Multiple Input Multiple Output

MitM - Man-in-the-Middle

a type of attack in which third party intercepts data/traffic between the two parties

MOD - Ministry of Defence (UK)

MPLS - Multi-Protocol LaBeL Switching

MTBF - Mean Time Between Failures

the average time between system breakdowns


NAC - Network Access Control


NAT - Network Address Translation

NAT Firewalls - Network Address Translation Firewalls

see: → firewall


also known as: source network address translation, or port address translation (PAT)

NCA - National Crime Agency

NCSC - National Cyber security Centre

NDA - Non-Disclosure Agreement


at least 2 devices connected together & communicating with each other; networks can be private or public

Network sniffers

example tools: Wireshark

NFC - Near-Field Communication

NFT - Non-Fungible Token

NGFW - Next Generation Firewall

see: → firewall

NIC - Network Interface Card

a card allowing the device to connect to the network, eg. Wi-Fi card, or an Ethernet card

NIDS - Network Intrusion Detection System

compare with: → HIDS, IDS

NIS - Network and Information Systems

NIST - National Institute of Standards and Technology (US)

NLOS - Non-line-of-sight

a radio wave propagation spectrum characterised by lower frequencies (smaller towers)

NOC - Network Operations Centre

non-ephemeral ports

permanent port numbers assigned to an application; non-ephemeral port numbers range from 0-1023; compare with: → ephemeral ports



ingress/egress to another device; different security requirements to → east-west traffic

NTFS - New Technology File System

proprietary journaling file system developed by Microsoft

NVD - National Vulnerability Database by NIST


OCTAVE - Operationally Critical Threat, Asset and Vulnerability Evaluation

OES - Operators of Essential Services

OLED - Organic Light-Emitting Diode

doesn’t require backlight - electroluminescent (EL) organic material shaped into a thin film glows upon introduction of the current; the biggest downside: the light-emitting material can degrade with time

OOB - Out-of-band (Authentication)

OS - Operating System

eg. Microsoft Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, Linux, Unix

OS - Offensive Security

one of the certifications bodies offering certifications in pentesting, wireless network attacks, website application attacks, and Windows and macOS exploit development.

OSCP - Offensive Security Certified Professional

one of the pentesting certifications offered by → Offensive Security

OSI - Open Source Intelligence

OSI model - Open Systems Interconnection model

a conceptual framework used to describe the functions of a networking system; OSI proposes 7 layers:

  1. Physical

  2. Data Link

  3. Network

  4. Transport

  5. Session

  6. Presentation

  7. Application

    (compare: → TCP/IP model)

OSINT - Open Source Intelligence

OT - Operation Technology

OTA - on the air (updates)

OWASP - Open Web Application Security Project

OWASP is a nonprofit foundation that works to improve the security of software. Each year OWASP issues Top 10 Web Application Security Risks


PaaS - Platform as a Service

PABX - Private Automatic Branch Exchange

Packet-filtering firewall

see: → firewall

PACE - Police and Criminal Evidence Act, 1984 (UK)

PAN - Personal Area Network

eg. Bluetooth

Parrot (security)

a Linux distribution with many hacking tools pre-installed.

PAT - Port Address Translation


Partitioning networks

aka: subnetting, fragmentation

PCI DSS - Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard

PDCA - Plan-Do-Check-Act

aka: the Deming cycle approach

PDNTSPA - Please Do Not Throw Sausage Pizza Away

a funny sentence to help remember all 7 layers of the → OSI network model

PGP - Pretty Good Privacy

PII - Personally Identifiable Information

PIV card - Personal Identity Verification card

US government identity smart card with certificate-based authentication

PKI - Public Key Infrastructure


PLC - Power Line Communication

PLCs - Programmable Logic Controllers

POE - Power over Ethernet

POE device doesn’t require any additional power source in order to run (the energy is taken from the ethernet directly)


a known and well-documented vulnerability of SSL v.3

POP3 - Post Office Protocol 3

mail protocol mostly used on legacy systems; tcp/110, SSL tcp/995

PRA - Public Records Act, 1958 (UK)

PRI - Product Release Instructions

PRI - Primary Rate Interface (ISDN)


useful acronym to remember stages of incident response (IR):

  1. PReparation

  2. Identification

  3. Escalation (& Notification)

  4. Mitigation

  5. LEssons learned (Reporting)

  6. Recovery

PRL - preferred roaming list

for legacy CDMA networks (Code-division multiple access), towers, etc.

ProtMon - Protective Monitoring


Proxy Firewall

see: → firewall

PSN - Public Service Network

PSPG - Policy, Standards, Procedures, Guidelines

PSTN - Public Switched Telephone System


Q-Bits - Quantum bits

QAS - Quality assured Service

QKD - Quantum Key Distribution

Quantum Computing


RADIUS - Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service

Raid - Redundant Array of Independent/ Inexpensive Disks

Ransomware/ Crypto-malware

type of malware that encrypts the user’s data files while leaving the OS operational, usually demanding the ransom for the key (often in crypto currencies) with a nuisance pop-up or page

RAT - Remote Access TOOLS

(sometimes also referred to as: remote access trojan)

RBAC - Role-Based Access Control

system that works by assigning permissions to a specific job title rather than an individual user

RDP - Remote Desktop Protocol

shares desktop over the remote location over tcp/3389

RDSP - Relevant Digital Service Providers


a useful acronym illustrating the process/phases of protection of information (cradle-to-grave protection of information)

  1. REsearch

  2. Design

  3. DIscovery

  4. CREation

  5. STOrage

  6. Processing

  7. Use

  8. SHaring

  9. ARchiving

  10. Disposal


remanence (Data remanence)

residual representation of digital data that remains even after attempts have been made to remove or erase it


hardware receiving & repeating the signal to another interface, thus extending the network range without additional cabling; also see: → hub


REST API - Representational State API

RFC 1918 - Request for Comments no. 1918

RFID - Radio Frequency Identification

active/powered ID tags


the algorithm/family of ciphers behind the AES; name created by abbreviating and collating names of Rijmen & Daemen


an acronym to remember 5 phases of incident management (IM):

  1. Reporting

  2. Investigation

  3. Assessment

  4. Corrective Action

  5. Review

ring topology

a network topology in which all devices are a connector to two others to create a full circle; downside: the circle can be easily broken as one connection effectively stops the entire communication within the network; aka: token topology

RIPA - Regulation and Investigatory Powers Act, 2000


the Ethernet plug


malware that embeds itself into the heart of the system and ‘cons‘ the system to accept it as native; the only way to remove it is to open the BIOS settings and open only the default files


layer 3 networking device (routing packets)

Routes of infection

RPN - Reverse Polish Notation

reverse Łukasiewicz notation; mathematical notation where the operator symbol is placed after the arguments being operated on (the operands); saves a lot of time for the compiler


type of two-factor authentication with one-time password generated on a hard token

RTU - Remote Terminal Units

R.U.D.Y - R-U-Dead-Yet?

type of low and slow denial of service (DOS) attack that occupies the server by opening a connection and sending the data very slowly for a prolonged periods of time, until the server is unable to serve the legitimate traffic


SaaS - Software as a Service

SABSA - Sherwood Applied Business Security Architecture

The SABSA Matrix:

Safe Harbour

SCADA - Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition

SCTP - Stream Control Transmission Protocol

a transport-layer protocol that ensures reliable, in-sequence transport of data

‘Shadow IT’

a practice of setting up unofficial and unauthorised IT services (eg. additional cloud storage) without informing the IT/Security team

shim/ Shimming

an insert filling gaps; eg. Windows compatibility mode enabling programs to run on previous - shimmed - versions of Windows, directly from the current version of the OS


SIEM - Security Information and Event Management

SMB - Server Message Blocks

aka: CIFS (Common Internet File Sharing); Microsoft Windows protocol for file sharing; can be using NetBIOS over TCP/IP for older/legacy versions (udp/137, udp/138, tcp/139), or direct SMB over TCP without the NetBIOS for newer versions (tcp/445); Apple/MacOS equivalent: → AFP; SMB vulnerability on Windows XP is believed to be the main reason behind the success of WannaCry ransomware attacks back in 2017 that targeted UK’s NHS (amongst others)

S/MIME - Secure Multi-Purpose Internet Mail Extensions

SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

tcp/25 (w/o authentication), tcp/587 (with authentication)


see: → network sniffers

SNMP - Simple Network Management Protocol

queries: udp/161, traps: udp/162

SLA - Service Level Agreement

SLE - Single Loss Expectancy

SLE = AV (asset value) x EF (exposure factor)

see: → ALE

SLP - Service Location Protocol

SOA - Service Oriented Architecture

SOC - Security Operation Centre

SO-DIMM - Small Outline Dual In-Line Memory Module

eg: RAM card

SOE - Standard Operating Environments

set of tested/approved hardware/software combinations within the network

SOHO - Small Office Home Office

Soft Token

token provided via software/app on the phone

SOP - Standard Operating Procedures

SP Networks - Substitution-Permutation Networks

basis of AES (Advanced Encryption Standard)

Spanning port

a spanning port

Spanning tree protocol

used for → redundancy support

SPOF - Single Point of Failure



malware that is tracking user’s movements without their knowledge, with intention to go beyond what’s legally permissible (dig out personal information, intercept log in details, etc.); compare with: → trackers

SQL - Structured Query Language

a standardized programming language that is used to manage relational databases and perform various operations on the data in them.

SQL Injection

SSD - solid state drive

more robust and faster than → HDD thanks to the lack of moving parts, however constant over-writing large amounts of data may degrade the storage cells (thus it is considered shorter-lasting compared to traditional HDDs)

SSH - Secure Shell

an encrypted communication link, tcp/22; similar to → Telnet, but far more secure

SSHD - Solid State Hybrid Drive

SSL - Secure Sockets Layer

SSO - Single Sign on (system) 🪟

managed through Kerberos on Windows

Star Topology

in star topology of the LAN, all devices in the network are connected to a central switch/hub with their own cable; any failure of the individual connection doesn’t affect the connectivity of the entire network, however failure of the central switch renders network unusable



aka: partitioning; splitting up a network into smaller, miniature networks within itself


dedicated devices within a network that are designed to aggregate multiple other devices such as computers, printers, or any other networking-capable device using ethernet; works on data link layer of the Open System Interconnect (OSI) model (connecting two different networks together and providing communication between them); switches can be managed and unmanaged

Syn flood

a type of denial of service attack exploiting the weakness of the packet communication layer; considered a legacy attack

SYS Admin - System Administrator

always update the default credentials and regularly revise the privileges; not every account needs to be an admin.

Sys Log

a standard for message logging in SIEM; requires a lot of disk space


TACACS - Terminal Access Control Access Control System

authentication servers’ protocol; originally created to control access to dial-up lines of ARPANET; TACACS+ authentication protocol launched in 1993 and may be still used in places where RADIUS can’t be used


gaining access by following someone already authenticated & authorised; can be remedied by mantraps, ensuring only one person can cross a certain barrier at any given time

TCB - Trusted Computer Base

TCP - Transmission Control Protocol

formal process to initiate/finish connection; with packet flow control - requests acknowledgement of receipt and recovers data from layers if necessary; compare with: → UDP

TCP/IP model

a 4-layer model of networking systems proposed by US Department of Defence:

  1. Network Access Layer

  2. Internet Layer

  3. Host-to-Host Layer

  4. Process Application Layer

    (compare: → OSI model)

TCSEC - Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria

the body behind the US Department of Defense (DOD) “Rainbow Book“ series


a non-encrypted, open communication link, tcp/23; it is recommended to have it always closed unless specifically required; for secure communication link see → SSH


turning your phone into a wireless router

TKIP - Temporary Key Integrity Protocol

together with RC4, a part of the WPA; IV (initialisation vector) + secret root key + message integrity check; superseded by CCMP

TLS - Transport Layer Security


time-of-check to time-of-use; attacks can take place between the time a vulnerability is found to when it is fixed; race condition (programming)

ToE - Target of Evaluation


online trackers

Trojan (Horse)

a type of malware that disguises as a program/game

TR(R)S - Tip Ring (Ring) Sleeve

an analogue audio connector, aka: the headphone jack

TTP - Tactics, Techniques, Procedures

UAC - User Account Control

UDP - User Datagram Protocol

connectionless protocol without the flow control or acknowledgement whether the packets have arrived; “broadcasting mode“ only; compare with: → TCP

UMTS (3G) - Universal Mobile Telecommunications Service (3G)


UPNP - Universal Plug and Play

UPS - Uninterruptible Power Supply

URI - Uniform Resource Identifiers

URL - Uniform Resource Locator

URL Squatting

USA Patriot Act, 2001

USB - Universal Serial Bus

UTM - Unified Threat Management



type of malware that infects, impairs and/or incapacitates the system; needs the vector in order to travel between devices; there are several different types:

  • polymorphic - alter themselves to avoid detection

  • macro - exploit scripts in order to hide in documents/applications, eg. embedded into seemingly empty word document or .pdf

  • stealth - masks or hides its activity to avoid detection

  • armoured - difficult to detect/remove

  • retro - mostly attacking AV systems

  • phage - infects multiple parts of the system to regenerate quicker

  • companion - takes a root filename of an executable file in order to launch itself

  • multipart/multipartite - performs multiple tasks

VLAN - Virtual Local Area Network

VM - virtual machine

VoIP - Voice Over IP

server: udp/5004

VPN - Virtual Private Network

VPS - Virtual Private Server

VPN concentrator


WA - Wassenaar Agreement, 1996

WAF - Web Application Firewall

see: → firewall

WAN - Wide Area Network

WAP - Wireless Access Point

WDDM - Windows Display Driver Model

is the graphics display driver architecture introduced in Windows Vista

WEB server

server: tcp/80

WEP - Wireless Equivalent Privacy

old wireless protocol particularly prone to exploits; “use wep and you’re gonna weep”


whitelist leaves the access to service/network closed to everyone except the specified exceptions; compare with: → blacklist

WiFi - Wireless Fidelity

WIMAX - Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access

WinPE - Windown Pre-Installation Environment 🪟

WMN - Wireless Mesh Network

eg. use case: Apple AirTags


a type of malware that can crawl through the networks without a transport vector

WORM - Write Once Read Many

WPA - Wi-Fi Protected Access (2002)


XSRF - Cross Site Request Forgery

xss - Cross-site Scripting



Zero day exploit(s)

first, unprecedented attack exploiting the vulnerability; aka: the Zero Day attack


IoT networking open standard; meshed network

Z Wave

IoT networking proprietary standard; meshed network working within the ISM band


Anything worth adding?
